When Should I Water my Garden and How Often?

by Jenna Mendez

3.6 min read


Are you thinking of creating a garden? Caring for a garden takes a lot of time and trial and error to get the right formula. But with the right tools and knowledge on when and how often to water, you can have a luscious sustainable garden your plants will thank you for! Get ready to become a gardening master in no time! 


Before we can break down the best gardening practices on all things water for your garden, it’s important to understand your soil. If you didn’t know, different types of soil retain water differently, so it’s important to know which soil you’re using in your garden and how to use it correctly. As one example, if you’re looking to grow vegetables or flowers that require more water retention, heavy clay soils lock in moisture for longer. If you live in a dry climate and you plan on planting greens that require less water, sandy soils are the way to go. With the right soil, your garden will thrive in no time! 


When to Water Your Garden 


When it comes to watering your plants, the best time of the day to do so is early morning anywhere from 6 am-7 am. Doing your watering in the morning gives your plants enough time to drink up and prepare for the heat of the day. In turn, if you were to water your plants during the peak hours of the afternoon when the sun is right on top of you, you risk the chance of burning the leaves of your plants and produce. If the morning grind isn’t your forte, consider watering your plants in the evening; watering in the evening reduces water loss to evaporation. Try to avoid watering at night since wet leaves often don’t have enough time to dry overnight and wet leaves can be more susceptible to diseases.  

On a less technical level, one of the best ways to determine if your garden needs some hydration is by performing the old reliable “finger test.” Simply inserting your finger into the soil of your pot or grounded plants can give you a sense of what your leafy friends need. If the soil feels dry, give them a soak. Similarly, be sure to keep an extra eye on those potted plants as they dry up much quicker. If all this seems overwhelming to keep track of, don’t worry! Consider installing a drip irrigation system to do the watering for you! 

gardening drip system

How Much Water Should I Give my Plants and How Often?


The exact amount of water you should give your plant varies depending on a variety of factors, including the type of plant, where you live, the size of the pot and much more. But as a rule of thumb, outdoor plants should receive at least 1 inch of water a week and should increase ½ an inch whenever temperatures are above 60 degrees. When it comes to watering produce, the amount of water you’ll need will again vary on your climate and the plant’s growth stage but check out our infographic to find out more:


Water Conversation and Other Gardening Tips


When it comes down to it, the most important tip for a sustainable garden is water conservation. By conserving water, you are not only avoiding overwatering and harming your plants but you’re doing some good for the planet too! If you’re looking for other water conservation tips, check out our blog on tips for sustainable gardening and conservation.

In the same way, if you’re wondering how you can give your garden an even eco-friendlier touch, check out our blog on how to grow your own produce with renewable energy solutions. Now get growing and help your garden thrive!

Santanna Energy Services is a supplier of renewable energy solutions in the United States, providing services to Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. We provide a wide range of energy services and products to meet the needs of both residential and small business customers. Our mission is to provide innovative and cost-effective energy solutions that will help our customers achieve their energy goals. With over 35 years of experience, we are committed to creating life-long relationships by providing quality service to customers, communities, and employees.

Jenna Mendez

Jenna loves to use her voice to spread awareness about reforestation, eco-friendly initiatives, and protecting planet Earth. She's passionate about making the world a better place and is driven by her desire to give back to the planet. She is committed to learning more about the environment and its preservation and is a strong believer in the power of education and activism.

Categories: Earth-Friendly
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