Fixed-Rate Peace of Mind

Our Fixed-Rate solution offers price certainty & stability even when market prices become volatile.

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Proudly serving residents in Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Indiana.

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What is a Fixed-Rate Plan?

A fixedrate energy plan is an energy plan that provides customers with a rate that does not change for a specified period of time. This type of plan offers customers the stability of knowing what their energy costs will be for the duration of the agreement. Fixedrate plans provide customers with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their energy costs won’t be affected by fluctuations in the market.
This type of plan is particularly beneficial for budgeting and long-term planning for energy expenses. Fixed-rate energy plans are also beneficial for customers who want to lock in a low rate for a long period of time and avoid rising energy costs.

Fixed-Rate Plan Benefits

Competitive rates. Price stability. Premium customer service.

Competitive Rates

We’ve spent over 30 years designing unique energy plans to meet our customers’ needs. We take the stress out of shopping for a competitive energy provider. Trust us to make it easy to choose and simple to switch.

Price Stability

Our Fixed Rate solution offers price certainty & stability even when market prices become volatile. Eliminate worry of seasonal climate changes, supply chain or unexpected weather events that could impact your energy bill.

Premium Service

Our energy solutions are designed for more flexibility and control. Upgrade your current plan, renew with a different term, or add-on another service for more value. You always have access to our energy experts standing by to serve you.

Predictability You Can Count On

A fixed-rate electricity plan means that the amount you pay for each unit of electricity you use will stay the same every month. It’s like paying a set price for a candy bar, even if the candy store raises its prices, your price for the candy bar stays the same!

Benefits Of A Fixed-Rate Energy Plan

  • Predictability: You know exactly what you will pay for each unit of energy, so you can plan your budget and expenses accordingly.
  • No Surprises: Your energy rate will not change, even if there are fluctuations in energy prices. This helps you avoid unexpected bills.
  • Stability: You are protected from rate hikes, which can be a big concern during times of high energy demand or uncertainty in the energy market.
  • Peace of Mind: With a fixed-rate, you can focus on other things and not worry about changes in your energy rate from month to month.

Still Have Questions?

Choosing an energy plan can be a tricky task full of complicated jargon and restrictions based on where you live and what you’re looking for. But it doesn’t have to be! This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to consider when choosing an energy plan in your area. Download your FREE eBook now for answers.

Easy Energy Solutions for Your Home. More Peace of Mind.

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Join Santanna Energy Rewards

As part of our mission to create life-long relationships by providing quality service to our customers, we’ve created  Santanna Energy Rewards. As a valued customer, you can now access exclusive rewards, monthly giveaways, and much more.

Fair Prices. No Tricks. No Hidden Fees.

Our team is committed to providing seriously competitive energy solutions that have up-front pricing. We’re available 5 days a week to help answer any questions you have about our solutions or the options available to you.

How it Works

You can put your credit card away. You’ll continue to pay for your energy the same way you always have directly to your distribution company, with no interruption. You just pick the new plan you want, and we coordinate all of the technical details with the distribution company on your behalf.

No. We don’t replace your distribution company; we work with it on your behalf to change what it delivers. Distribution companies don’t create energy plans, they just have one option. If that doesn’t appeal to you, get an energy expert in your corner like Santanna that offers a variety of energy solutions for every energy lifestyle.

Most people don’t know that energy, like other retail products, comes in different packages. Santanna offers several types of energy plans that your utility (distribution company) simply doesn’t offer, which you can learn more about below. 

Choosing Santanna means choosing an energy plan that better fits your energy lifestyle, instead of relying on the one-size solution the distribution company gives you. Don’t get us wrong, distribution companies are great at what they do, getting the energy from point A to point B. Without them, you couldn’t read this! They’re called distribution companies for a reason though, moving energy is their bread and butter. Building energy solutions is a completely different specialty. 

That’s where Santanna comes in. What we’re great at is making smart energy decisions about the types of energy plans that fit your needs. We’ve been in business for over 30 years and have serviced over half a million homes across the Midwest, and here is why that should be important to you: 

  • We’ve got purchasing power 
    • Much like any other kind of bulk purchase, we buy wholesale energy in mind-boggling quantities (Seriously, Doc Brown would be impressed) which means we can offer seriously competitive rates that you can lock in for a lot longer than you can with your distribution company. 
  • We’ve got storage 
    • It turns out, winter comes every year! Remember that old story about the ant and the grasshopper? We’re the ant. We work hard all summer long buying and storing natural gas in massive underground tanks for your benefit. We plan ahead so that once winter arrives, your family can keep the heater running without worrying about how much natural gas costs today.
  • We’re nimble 
    • Most people tune out when they hear things like “futures prices on the NYMEX.” Some people get excited about that kind of thing though. We hire those kinds of people, and they work hard every day navigating the hurdles of future energy prices today so that you can have secure energy plans tomorrow.
  • We build energy plans that we’d want to buy 
    • Santanna is an employee-owned company. We work from the bottom up, not the top down. Meaning, all Santanna employees have a voice in the energy solutions we provide, and because we live in the same neighborhoods that you do, we have the same energy needs that you do. So, our solution is simple. We just create the types of solutions we’d want to buy.

When you choose a Santanna Energy plan, there won’t be any impact to the pipes, wires, or a physical delivery process of energy to your home. The pipes and wires to your house are permanent. The energy distribution companies that actually control the delivery of natural gas and electricity to your home are permanent. However, the energy plan that you choose that gets delivered to your home is what you have the power to change.

We understand that the idea of switching your energy supplier can be confusing and that you probably don’t want to “break something.” To that we say, try us for 90-days and see how you like it! Energy isn’t something most people deal with regularly, which is why we want you to have an energy expert like Santanna in your corner.  

You can’t actually break anything, and your switch isn’t permanent. If you hate us, we’ll be heartbroken, but we won’t be clingy. We believe everyone should choose an energy plan that fits their lifestyle, even if that means not choosing us. 

Compare us to your old supplier, and if you’re not impressed, you can leave us early without any early termination or cancellation fee in the first 90-days.

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Easy Energy Solutions for Your Home. More Peace of Mind.

See why people are switching to Santanna Energy for better electricity & natural gas plans!

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