32 Energy Efficient Tips for Every Holiday

by Jenna Mendez

6.5 min read


During times of celebration and festivity, whether it’s the joy of winter holidays, the warmth of summer gatherings, or any occasion that brings people together, we often adorn our surroundings with lights and decorations to embrace the spirit of the moment. However, regardless of the specific holiday or time of year, these vibrant decorations and celebratory activities tend to increase our energy consumption, impacting both our utility bills and the environment. But fear not, as we’re here to help! We’ve compiled 40 energy-efficient tips designed to minimize energy usage and costs without compromising on the joy of the season’s celebrations. Let’s get to it!  

Preparing for the Party – Energy-Efficient Holiday Preparations 

 With all the preparations that go into hosting an event, it’s easy to overlook energy consumption. From cooking to decorating, every aspect of party planning can contribute to a higher carbon footprint. But don’t let that stop you from throwing a festive celebration! Here’s our top tips for preparing for your celebration: 

  1. Switch to LED Lights: Using energy-efficient LED lights for decorations is a great choice for any holiday! According to Energy.gov, LED lights use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting. 
  2. Consider Using Solar-Powered Decorations: Decorating with solar-powered trimmings such as pathway lights, garden ornaments, or holiday lights can save you money on electricity costs. And even better yet, regardless of weather, solar-powered items can still generate electricity even on cloudy or rainy days. 
  3. Insulate Your Home: Insulating your home can help retain warmth in winter and keep cool in summer, reducing the need for excessive heating or air conditioning during gatherings. 
  4. Install a Smart Thermostat: A programable thermostat can help regulate temperatures in your home automatically. This can ensure your guest comfort without unnecessary energy use. 
  5. Maximize Oven Efficiency: When preparing several items simultaneously, you maximize the available cooking space and utilize the appliance’s capacity more efficiently. 
  6. Utilize Natural Light: Opening curtains or blinds during the day to maximize natural light can reduce reliance on artificial lighting during daytime festivities which will save you energy. 
  7. Unplug Unused Electronics: Disconnecting electronic devices and appliances that are not in use to prevent standby energy consumption, especially when leaving home for celebrations. 
  8. Install Low-Flow Faucets: A low-flow faucet is designed to reduce water consumption by controlling the flow rate without compromising on water pressure. By restricting the amount of water that flows through the tap, these faucets efficiently minimize water wastage. 


Energy-Efficient Gift Giving Tips 

 When thinking of party favors for gifts for your celebration, keep in mind the impact our gift-giving habits have on the environment. From packaging and shipping to the energy used in manufacturing, traditional gift-giving can be quite wasteful. But that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice spreading joy and love through gifts or party favors! Here’s our top tips for ultimate energy-efficient tips: 

  1. Choose Eco-Friendly Gifts: Opt for gifts made from sustainable materials, recycled products, or items that promote eco-consciousness. 
  2. Give Experiences: Offer experiences such as concert tickets, cooking classes, or spa vouchers that do not require additional energy consumption or resources. 
  3. DIY or Handmade Gifts: Create homemade gifts or support local artisans by purchasing handmade items, reducing the carbon footprint associated with mass production and shipping. 
  4. Gift Certificates or Digital Gifts: Consider gifting digital items or gift certificates that eliminate the need for physical products and packaging. 
  5. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Gift energy-efficient appliances or gadgets, such as smart plugs or LED desk lamps, promoting energy conservation. 
  6. Gifts with Longevity: Choose gifts that are durable and have a longer lifespan, encouraging less frequent replacement and reduced overall consumption. 
  7. Reusable and Sustainable Items: Select gifts like reusable water bottles, shopping bags, or sustainable kitchenware to reduce waste and promote sustainable living. 
  8. Charitable Donations: Make a donation to a charitable organization in the recipient’s name, supporting a cause they care about without generating physical waste. 


Energy-Efficient Travel and Transportation Practices 

 The festive seasons often involve traveling to visit loved ones or taking a much-needed vacation. While these trips bring joy and relaxation, they also contribute to carbon emissions and energy consumption. But that doesn’t mean we have to give up on our holiday travel plans! Here’s our top tips for travel and transportation: 

  1. Share Rides: Share rides with friends or family members when attending events or traveling to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, minimizing fuel consumption and emissions. 
  2. Plan Efficient Routes: Plan travel routes in advance to minimize distance and travel time, optimizing fuel efficiency and reducing overall energy consumption. 
  3. Consider Driving an EV: If possible, use hybrid or electric vehicles that have lower emissions and are more energy-efficient than traditional gasoline-powered cars. 
  4. Eco-Friendly Driving Practices: Practice fuel-efficient driving habits such as maintaining steady speeds, avoiding rapid acceleration or braking, and using cruise control when appropriate. 
  5. Remote Celebrations: Opt for virtual gatherings or remote participation in events when feasible to reduce the need for travel and associated energy consumption. 
  6. Utilize Car-Sharing Services: Use car-sharing services or rental options for longer trips instead of using a personal vehicle, promoting shared resource utilization and reducing emissions. 
  7. Pack Light: Travel with lighter baggage to reduce vehicle weight, which can improve fuel efficiency and decrease energy consumption during transportation. 
  8. Choose Nonstop Flights: When flying is necessary, choose nonstop flights when possible, as takeoffs and landings consume more fuel compared to continuous flights.

Post-Holiday Energy Efficient Tips 

 There are still plenty of ways to reduce energy consumption and have a positive impact on the environment after the celebrations are over. From disposing of decorations to making resolutions for a more sustainable lifestyle, here are our top tips for energy efficiency even after the celebration is over: 

  1. Evaluate Energy Consumption: Conduct an assessment of your energy usage during the festivities to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments for future events. 
  2. Properly Store Decorations: Pack and store decorations in a well-organized manner to ensure they remain in good condition for reuse, reducing the need for new decorations and waste each year. 
  3. Donate Unwanted Items: Donate or give away unwanted gifts or decorations to charities, friends, or family members, extending their use and minimizing waste. 
  4. Properly Dispose of Electronics: Recycle or dispose of old or broken electronic devices at designated e-waste recycling centers to prevent environmental harm. 
  5. Conserve Water: Practice water-saving measures while cleaning up after the celebrations, such as using efficient dishwashers and limiting water usage when possible. 
  6. Energy-Saving Technology Upgrade: Consider investing in energy-efficient appliances or technology upgrades for your home, promoting long-term energy savings. 
  7. Reflect and Set Goals: Reflect on your energy-saving efforts during the festivities and set goals for implementing further improvements in the coming year to enhance sustainability. 
  8. Plan for Sustainability Next Year: Start planning for future celebrations with sustainability in mind, considering eco-friendly decorations, gifts, and practices from the beginning. 


Holidays can be a time for celebration and spreading joy. However, it’s also important to be mindful of our energy consumption and its impact on the environment. With these 40 energy-efficient tips, we hope that you can have a festive and sustainable gathering no matter when you celebrate. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so let’s all do our part in reducing energy consumption and creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. 


Santanna Energy Services is a supplier of renewable energy solutions in the United States, providing services to Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. We provide a wide range of energy services and products to meet the needs of both residential and small business customers. Our mission is to provide innovative and cost-effective energy solutions that will help our customers achieve their energy goals. With over 35 years of experience, we are committed to creating life-long relationships by providing quality service to customers, communities, and employees.  

Jenna Mendez

Jenna loves to use her voice to spread awareness about reforestation, eco-friendly initiatives, and protecting planet Earth. She's passionate about making the world a better place and is driven by her desire to give back to the planet. She is committed to learning more about the environment and its preservation and is a strong believer in the power of education and activism.

Categories: Electricity
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