Benefits of an Electric Dirt Bike vs A Gas Dirt Bike

by Tyler Castle

10.2 min read


Looking to rev up your off-road adventures? Whether you’re a seasoned dirt bike enthusiast or a newcomer to the thrill of off-road riding, the choice between an electric dirt bike and a gas-powered counterpart is a decision worth exploring.  

Let’s compare electric dirt bikes to traditional gas-powered ones to see which option is better. From the environmental impacts of gas bikes to the costs of each, let’s dive into the details of each to help you make the best decision for you:

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What you need to know about electric dirt bikes 

No matter what you’re looking for, there are pros and cons to either choice you make regarding dirt bikes. Here’s what you need to know: 


  • Environmentally friendly: Electric dirt bikes produce zero emissions during operation, reducing their environmental impact of carbon emissions. These models also eliminate the risk of oil of fuel spills creating a safer off-road environment. 
  • Almost instant acceleration: These bikes provide quick acceleration, responsive throttle control, and killer torque because most electric engines offer 16 kw of energy. 
  • Quiet: Although electric bikes aren’t completely silent, they’re much quieter than their gas counterparts. This is because they have less moving parts than gas dirt bikes. 
  • Lower cost of operations: Because they have less parts and are typically lower maintenance, electric bikes can cost less to operate depending on the brand. 
  • Less heat: Electric motors generate less heat compared to combustion engines, resulting in a cooler riding experience for the rider and less carbon emissions.  


  • Can have long charging times: Depending on the model you choose and the battery type, it takes anywhere from 3-6 hours for a full charge. 
  • Upfront Cost: Electric dirt bikes often have a higher upfront cost compared to their gas-powered counterparts because of their high-tech battery technology.  
  • Charging limitations: While most e-dirt bikes can be charged at home with a standard outlet at home, if you find yourself low on power, most EV charging stations for cars aren’t compatible for charging dirt bikes. 
  • Limited Model Options: At the time of this article, the market for electric dirt bikes is still relatively small compared to gas-powered bikes. 

How much electricity does an electric bike use? 

The amount of electricity an e-bike uses and how much it cost you each time you charge up will depend on your make and model. However, there is a way to get a rough estimate with a little math. Using the same method as we used to calculate the cost and energy consumption of a space heater, let’s figure it out: 

Let’s take the Light Bee SUR-RON X e-bike for example that has a 60 volt and 32 amperage.  

  1. To get your wattage to figure out your ultimate cost, multiply the voltage by the amperage. (That would be 60 volts X 32 amps = 1,920 watts. 
  2. To convert your power usage to kilowatt-hours, divide it by 1,000. Kilowatt-hours are used to measure electricity consumption over time. For our example, it would be 1,920/1000= 1.92 kWh.  
  3. Multiply that number by the hours of use, which could range from a few hours to the entire day depending on when you charge and use your dirt bike. The Light Bee takes about 3 hours to charge a full battery. So, for this example, let’s say you’re looking to consistently ride your bike 2 days a week where you completely drain your battery each time. This means you have to charge your bike before you ride each day.  

So simply, take: 

  • 1.92 x 3 hours= 5.76 kWh a day 
  • 1.92 kWh x 6 hours= 11.52 kWh a week. 
  • 1.92 kWh x 24 hours= 46.08 kWh a month 
  • 1.92 kWh x 288 hours= 552.96 kWh a year 

How much will it cost to charge an electric dirt bike? 

Once you know your electric vehicle’s KwH average for a span of time, you’ll need to multiply that value by the kWh usage rate charged by your utility company since most bikes can be charged at home.  

Using the example above and at the U.S. average cost of 16.21 cents per KwH as of October 2023, it would cost an average of $5.31 a month to charge and ride your electric bike.  

Of course, how often you need to charge may vary based on how often you ride. Here is a simple guide to help you estimate the cost of charging your electric dirt bike. This estimate is based on how much you plan to ride and the need for a full charge: 


Cost to Charge an Electric Dirt Bike (at U.S. Average of 16.21 cents per kWh)


Number of Charges 

KWh (Based on 3 hours charge time) 

Cost to Charge 


10  57.6 



20  115.2 



30  172 



50  288 



80  460.8 



120  691.2 


How much does an electric dirt bike cost upfront? 

The exact upfront cost of your EV vehicle will vary based on your make, model, and your age – since there are (safe) models for all age groups. If you’re thinking about investing in an e-bike, these motor vehicles don’t come cheap with some models costing upwards of $4,000. 

But you can rest easy if you’re looking for the most cost-effective option as Amazon reports a median range of $1,900 – $2,250. Other major retailers like Razor offer even more affordable options for children starting at $209 and Walmart for adults starting at $730. 

When considering purchasing an electric dirt bike, prioritize safety above all else. This applies whether you are buying it for yourself or for someone else. Remember that safety should always come first, even if it means spending a little more money.  

How fast do electric dirt bikes go? 

A dirt bike’s speed can vary depending on several factors including the engine size, gearing, terrain, and rider skill level. 

For smaller displacement dirt bikes commonly used by beginners and younger riders’ top speeds typically range from 25 mph to 45 mph while mid-size dirt bikes top out between 60 mph to 85 mph or more. 

Specialized racing dirt bikes, particularly those used in motocross competitions, have some models capable of exceeding 100 mph. If you’re not an experienced rider, do not purchase this model as it will lead to serious injury. 

Are electric dirt bikes street-legal? 

The short answer is yes, electric dirt bikes are legal on public roads in the U.S. according to the Rider’s Guide. Electricity-powered dirt bikes are covered under the same laws as class 3 electric bicycles which 36 states in the U.S. including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, currently observe. 

However, the exact parameters of what your dirt bike needs to be equipped with to ride on your local roads will vary based on state and city. For example, in the city of Chicago, all motor bikes must come equipped with warning bells, rear brake lights, and identification information on your vehicle at all times. While in the city of Cleveland, dirt bikes must have mirrors and mufflers. 

What you need to know about gas dirt bikes


Now that we’ve explored electric dirt bikes, let’s discuss their gas-powered counterparts. Here are the pros and cons and what you need to know about gas-powered dirt bikes: 


  • Higher speeds: Gas dirt bikes are known for their power and can reach much higher speeds because of their engine. 
  • Less expensive: Gas dirt bikes are generally less expensive than their electric-powered counterparts because parts for gas dirt bikes are easier to come by. 
  • Years of innovation: Gas-powered dirt bikes have been around way longer than electric-powered bikes which means the tech is only getting better! Additionally, it makes things like repairs and getting parts easier because of long-time industry experts. 
  • Larger range: Most gas dirt bikes available at Walmart can last for up to 25-30 miles per tank. While an electric bike with a similar battery capacity can only last for up to 16 miles. 


  • Weight: The more weight your dirt bike has, the tougher it is to navigate rough terrain. as-powered bikes, especially those with four-stroke engines, tend to be heavier and more challenging to control. 
  • More Maintenance: Gas dirt bikes have more moving parts and require regular oil changes, air filter cleaning, spark plug replacement and more. 
  • Noise pollution: Gas powered dirt bikes generally generate more noise because of their internal combustion engine. If you’re planning on riding through neighborhoods or populated areas, gas bikes might get you some noise complaints when you go at high speeds. 
  • Carbon emissions: Recreation vehicles make up 20% of total U.S. carbon emissions from motor vehicles and vastly higher emissions because of their two-cycle engines. 

How much gas do gas dirt bikes need? 

If you choose this type of dirt bike, this model will need gas which you can get from your local gas station. Depending on what size tank you have, the amount of fuel you’ll need will vary.  

  • Smaller displacement dirt bikes: 0.9 to 1.3 gallons 
  • Mid-size dirt bikes: 1.5 to 2.5 gallons 
  • Larger displacement dirt bikes: 4 to 4 gallons 

How fast do gas dirt bikes go? 

A dirt bike’s speed can vary depending on several factors including the engine size, terrain, and rider skill level. How fast your dirt bike will go depends on the cubic centimeters (CC) or size of engine your bike has. A 50cc – 110cc bike can go about 40-60 mph, while 150cc – 250cc can go 60-85mph. 

Are gas dirt bikes street-legal? 

Following the same guidelines as electric dirt bikes, yes, gas powered dirt bikes are street legal l on public roads in the U.S. Gas dirt bikes are covered under the same laws as class 3 electric bicycles to which 36 states in the U.S. including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, currently observe. 

However, requirements in order for your gas dirt bike to be compliant to drive on public roads may vary by state and city. 

How much do they cost? 

The cost of a gas dirt bike depends on your age, weight, model, and engine type. But on average the cheapest model you can find on Amazon is around $200 for kids and an average price of $600 for adult models. Keep in mind that professional models can cost around $1,000 which is a lower upfront cost than electric dirt bikes. 

Safety tips for dirt bike users 

No matter what model you choose for your off-roading adventure, safety should always be paramount! Here are our favorite tips for complete dirt bike safety:


  1. Wear Proper Safety Gear: Always wear a DOT-approved helmet, goggles, gloves, long sleeves, pants, and over-the-ankle boots designed for off-road riding. 
  2. Inspect Your Bike: Before each ride, perform a thorough inspection of your dirt bike, checking for any loose bolts, fluid leaks, tire pressure, and brake function. 
  3. Ride Within Your Skill Level: Know your limits and ride within them. Don’t try out vehicles you’re not ready for or perform tricks you’re not skilled to do. 
  4. Follow Trail Rules and Regulations: Respect trail rules and regulations, including speed limits, directional signs, and designated riding areas. 
  5. Ride Defensively: Anticipate potential hazards and be prepared to react quickly. Maintain a safe distance from other riders, obstacles, and wildlife. 
  6. Communicate with Other Riders: Use hand signals or verbal communication to communicate with other riders on the trail. 
  7. Carry Essential Supplies: Carry a basic tool kit, spare parts, first aid kit, and sufficient water and snacks for your ride. Be prepared for emergencies and unexpected situations, such as mechanical breakdowns or injuries. 
  8. Respect Nature and Others: Respect the environment and other trail users, including hikers, equestrians, and cyclists. Yield to non-motorized users, keep noise levels down and avoid damaging vegetation or disturbing wildlife. 

No matter what you choose to ride, dirt biking is a great way to get out, enjoy nature, and practice new skills. We trust that the insights provided have shed light on the differences between electric and gas dirt bikes, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and priorities. So, gear up, hit the trails, and embark on an exhilarating journey filled with adrenaline, exploration, and camaraderie. 

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Tyler Castle

Tyler is an experienced energy professional, having worked for Santanna Energy Services, for the past four years. He is passionate about renewable energy and believes that diversifying the energy grid is the key to a sustainable future. Tyler is dedicated to supplying consumers with the best possible energy solutions and works diligently to make sure that Santanna can deliver the highest quality service.

Categories: Electricity
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