10 Ways to Save Energy While You’re Away on Vacation

by Jenna Mendez

6.6 min read

Are you traveling soon and worried about your home’s energy usage while you’re away? Take advantage of the many ways to save energy for your home when you’re on vacation. From simple tasks like turning off the lights and unplugging devices, to more complex approaches such as smart thermostats and automated lighting systems – there are plenty of actions you can take to help reduce your electricity costs even if you’re not traveling anytime soon!

1. Adjust your Thermostat Temperature

Adjusting your thermostat temperature is one of the most effective ways to save energy while on vacation. In general, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7-10 degrees Freiheit for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. No matter when you’re traveling, we recommend setting your thermostat in the winter to 68 degrees and in the summer to 78 degrees for optimal energy savings.

Similarly, using a smart thermostat can help you save on energy costs when you’re away from home. You can set the temperature to your desired level and program your thermostat to automatically adjust at certain times of the day. This means you won’t have to worry about leaving your heating or cooling system on all day while you’re away – saving energy and money in one go.

2. Unplug your Devices and Cords

Don’t get caught with a high energy bill from devices left plugged in during vacation! According to Stanford Magazine, if you left a fully charged laptop plugged into the wall it consumes about 2.24 watts, or 60 percent of the power it consumed while charging. It might not seem like a lot, but it definitely adds up! Especially when you’re not around to monitor your device. This simple step will save energy, reduce your electricity bill, and help reduce your home’s environmental impact.


3. Turn Off or Lower the Temperature of Your Water Heater

This simple action can help conserve water and reduce energy costs, as you won’t be using hot water while you’re away. Turning off your water heater also helps prevent any unexpected trouble when you return – such as leaks from a malfunctioning unit due to lack of use. You can also set a timer on the water heater to turn it back on shortly before you plan to arrive home. Doing so will ensure that hot water is ready and waiting for you when you get there!

If you don’t want to completely turn off your water heater while you’re away, most water heaters come with a “Vacation Mode” on the temperature dial to adjust to an ideal temperature. If your water heater doesn’t have a vacation mode, the ideal temperature mode to save money while you’re away is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or the lowest setting your heater allows.

4. Close your Blinds and Curtains

During the day, these thick window treatments help keep the cool air inside and block out the hot summer sun. About 30% of a home’s energy is lost through windows. Using energy efficient window treatments while you’re away can help save energy! In addition to this, they protect your furniture and artwork from fading due to direct sunlight. As an added bonus, closed curtains or blinds also keep prying eyes away.

If you’re looking to save even more year-round, energy efficient curtains might be the right choice for you. Also known as “black out curtains”, this material can block out unwanted sun rays and help regulate your temperature in your rooms.

5. Adjust Your Pool Filter Settings

If you’re traveling in the summer or live in a climate where a pool is an essential piece to your backyard, don’t forget to do some maintenance on your pool before you jet off! To save energy while you’re gone, adjust the filter settings in your pool so that it runs less frequently and for a shorter duration. Additionally, make sure to follow the manufacturer instructions in order to properly maintain the filter and avoid any additional energy costs. If you’re not sure what the settings should be, consult with a qualified professional to get advice that meets your individual needs.

In the same way, using energy efficient pool tools and accessories can save you energy and resources while you’re out. Solar covers have been known to reduce water evaporation by 30-60%. This is big for water conservation as well!

6. Turn off your Lights

Making sure all the lights in your home are turned off is a simple way to reduce your electricity bill while you’re away. According to SaveOnEnergy.com, leaving your light on an extra 8 hours a day adds up to a waste of $900 a year. While you’re away on vacation, be sure to turn off all your lights that are not in use to save money in the long run.

7. Set Light Timers

While turning off your lights in your home is a good energy saving tip, it’s always a good rule of thumb to keep a few lights on in the front of your home to ensure your abode isn’t vulnerable to crimes while you’re away. Installing and setting light timers is a great way to protect your home and to take the worry out of how much energy you’re consuming. These timers can simulate your presence by automatically turning lights on and off at the times you can set, creating the illusion that someone is home even when you’re not.

8. Invest in Smart Plugs

As you prepare for your vacation, you can cross remembering to unplug your devices off your list if you invest in smart plugs! Smart Plugs allow you to control your home’s appliances and electronics right from your mobile device. Check out our list below on the top 5 benefits of smart plugs:


If you’re interested in learning more about smart technology, be sure to check out our article on the best smart home technology for your home.

9. Check your Appliances

Checking your appliances before you leave for vacation can help you conserve energy and save money on your power bill. No need to unplug big appliances like ovens and refrigerators but small appliances like blenders and coffee makers use energy even when they are plugged in. Making this small change before you leave for vacation can save you money while you’re away! As an added bonus, checking on your appliances before leaving town can give you peace of mind that you won’t run into any issues when you get back.

10. Verify Your Heating and Electricity Services

While going on vacation is fun, the one thing you don’t want to happen is that you come home from your holiday and realize your gas or electricity has been turned off. Be sure before you leave to check in with your energy provider to ensure your services will continue even after you’re out of town. With the right energy plan and provider, you can get peace of mind while you’re away and save energy while doing it!

When it comes to saving energy while you’re away on vacation, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to ensure that your home is running efficiently and cost-effectively. Happy traveling and happy saving!

Santanna Energy Services is a supplier of renewable energy solutions in the United States, providing services to Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. We provide a wide range of energy services and products to meet the needs of both residential and small business customers. Our mission is to provide innovative and cost-effective energy solutions that will help our customers achieve their energy goals. With over 35 years of experience, we are committed to creating life-long relationships by providing quality service to customers, communities, and employees.

Jenna Mendez

Jenna loves to use her voice to spread awareness about reforestation, eco-friendly initiatives, and protecting planet Earth. She's passionate about making the world a better place and is driven by her desire to give back to the planet. She is committed to learning more about the environment and its preservation and is a strong believer in the power of education and activism.

Categories: Earth-Friendly
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