How to Spring Clean Your Home to Reduce Energy Consumption

by Jenna Mendez

3.7 min read


Are you looking to reduce your energy consumption while also keeping your house clean for the spring? Adding small eco-friendly cleaning tasks to your spring-cleaning list can make all the difference! From washing your windows to checking for air leaks, there’s plenty you can do to freshen up your space and reduce your energy consumption. Here are a few things you can do to do just that: 


Service Your Heating and Air Conditioning System 


 It’s the perfect time of the year for some spring cleaning! Why not do your home a favor by checking up on its HVAC system? According to the EPA, some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors. So, regular service on your HVAC system can improve the air quality in your home. Ensuring your HVAC system is running efficiently, with the occasional deep clean will help significantly reduce the dust build-up and air pollutants in your home. In the same way, ensuring your HVAC system is in tip-top shape will reduce your need for repairs and professional assistance.   


Make Use of Cooler Hours During the Day 


As the weather starts to warm across the country, taking advantage of the cooler hours of the day is so important when it comes to energy consumption. Tackling indoor tasks that produce dust and heat like vacuuming and dusting within the morning hours can reduce your need to adjust the temperature in your home to account for the added heat.  


Wash your Windows 


Believe it or not, washing your windows can help reduce your energy consumption. Making sure that your windows are clean and free of debris will ensure that natural light can come through your house. Similarly, natural lighting brings heat that can warm up your house in no time! While you’re at it, checking your windows for cracks and replacing your broken windows can improve your insulation.  


Check for Air Leaks 


Queue the spring-cleaning tip! Small holes and gaps within your windows or doors can let cool or warm air escape with ease. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air leaks waste as much as 20%-30% of the compressor’s output. This is why it’s incredibly important to regularly check for areas that need sealing. Similarly, while you’re checking your windows, this can be a great opportunity to dust off dirt and grime build-up in between windows and screens from the winter months.  


Check Refrigerator Coils 


 Spring cleaning doesn’t always have to be about tidying up your home; it’s the perfect time to ramp up your appliances and prepare them for the hassle and bustle of the summer months. If you can believe it, checking your refrigerator coils can be key to reducing your energy consumption and having a healthy fridge. These coils can become clogged with dirt and dust over time which can also hinder the life of your appliance. In most cases, depending on the make and model of your fridge, you can find your coils on the back or under your fridge! 


Change your Air Filters 


 Changing your air filter is essential to the perfect spring clean routine! Not only will this improve your air quality inside, but it will also help reduce pollutants in the air as well. In addition to this, a clean and new air filter can reduce allergens in your home too. This can create a cleaner and healthier environment for your home! With a new HVAC filter, your HVAC system will be able to run more efficiently and take less energy to power.  


Now that you have the tips and tools to bring your spring cleaning to an eco-friendly level, now’s the time to make your home as clean as possible!  


Santanna Energy Services is a supplier of renewable energy solutions in the United States, providing services to Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. We provide a wide range of energy services and products to meet the needs of both residential and small business customers. Our mission is to provide innovative and cost-effective energy solutions that will help our customers achieve their energy goals. With over 35 years of experience, we are committed to creating life-long relationships by providing quality service to customers, communities, and employees.  




Jenna Mendez

Jenna loves to use her voice to spread awareness about reforestation, eco-friendly initiatives, and protecting planet Earth. She's passionate about making the world a better place and is driven by her desire to give back to the planet. She is committed to learning more about the environment and its preservation and is a strong believer in the power of education and activism.

Categories: Earth-Friendly
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